Application Security Services

Application Security for Security’s Weakest Link

Application weaknesses are the Achilles’ heel of modern security defenses. Even when the network and systems are secure, there are nearly always exploitable vulnerabilities in applications. To make matters worse, these vulnerabilities typically span the entire network and offer an easy way around firewalls and other network defenses.

Securicon offers a wide range of application security services, from assessment and code review to consulting and training. Because each customer’s application security program has its own strengths and weaknesses, we offer an entirely customized approach. Our services include, but are not limited to:

Application Security Assessments — Securicon’s highly customized reviews are designed to identify and correct both existing application vulnerabilities and the application development practices that allowed them to be created. Wide-ranging in scope, our assessments are also deep, typically including some degree of code review, and an examination of database, application server, and front-end web servers.

Source Code Security Reviews — Identifying application security weaknesses and their causes may require a more focused review and technical application code review and assessment. In such cases, our team conducts interviews, system inspections, questionnaires, and documentation reviews to determine security weaknesses and provide evidence of secure development practices.

Secure Application Development Consulting — Securicon can help ensure adequate definition of security requirements, and review and advise on projects already being developed. We conduct focused code reviews during multiple phases of development, correcting weaknesses early and strengthening coding practices in modules yet to be developed.

Application Security Training — Securicon offers post-assessment presentations for technical staff that explain our recommendations for addressing specific coding weaknesses and improving an organization’s entire Software Development Life Cycle practice. We also offer customized, hands-on application security awareness training on the most common web application security flaws and other vulnerabilities.

To learn more about our Application Security Services, please call us at (703) 914-2780.